Protein Shakes for Weight Loss and Muscle Building - Protein Powder for Your Muscles

Protein shakes are claimed to be great sources of protein. This is even required by some personal trainers to enhance muscle building. In this piece of information, I will provide a few insights about protein shakes and its effect to weight loss, muscle building, and overall health.

Shake Protein

Protein is required for building muscles. Amino acids are the key building blocks for repairing and building muscle tissues especially after a workout. If you wish to build bigger muscles, you need a fairly large amount of amino acids form protein sources.

Shake Protein

Popular protein sources include meats, eggs, nuts, and even vegetables like beans. But the most convenient source of protein is protein shake in powdered form.

Many protein supplement manufacturers make their products into powdered form. When in this form, it can easily be made into protein shakes with just a blender, water or your favorite drinks, and optional fruits. These protein powders are either based on soy or egg.

Many weight loss gurus are advocating the use of these shakes as meal replacement. Such shakes claim that these can help you lose weight when used as substitute to your regular meal. However, you need to bear in mind that proteins hold high calorie content. Thus, eating excess protein may also make you gain weight.

Health professionals recommend consuming 1 to 2 grams of protein for every pound of body weight. If you follow this recommendation, your body weight will not be affected by the amount of calories. This is best for weight maintenance.

In summary, protein shakes are great for either growth of bigger muscles, weight loss, or weight maintenance. It is truly recommended as one of the best sources of protein. Consult your personal trainer or nutritionist for the consumption of protein-based shakes with respect to your goals with your weight.

Protein Shakes for Weight Loss and Muscle Building - Protein Powder for Your Muscles
Shake Protein

Cyber Monday Slim-Fast 3-2-1 Plan, High Protein Shake Mix, Creamy Chocolate, 12.83oz Canisters (Pack of 3) 2011 Deals

Dec 04, 2011 04:17:23

Cyber Monday Slim-Fast 3-2-1 Plan, High Protein Shake Mix, Creamy Chocolate, 12.83oz Canisters (Pack of 3) Deals
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Slim-Fast 3-2-1 Plan, High Protein Shake Mix, Creamy Chocolate, 12.83oz Canisters (Pack of 3)

>> Click here to update Cyber Monday prices for Slim-Fast 3-2-1 Plan, High Protein Shake Mix, Creamy Chocolate, 12.83oz Canisters (Pack of 3) <<

Cyber Monday Slim-Fast 3-2-1 Plan, High Protein Shake Mix, Creamy Chocolate, 12.83oz Canisters (Pack of 3) Feature

  • Pack of 3, 14-serving canisters of Slimfast 3 2 1 Plan Shake Mix
  • 200 calories in each 8-fluid ounce serving
  • Up to 4 hours of hunger control with 10 grams of protein and 4 grams of fiber per serving
  • One-Third of your recommended intake for most essential vitamins and minerals
  • For use as part of the Slim-Fast 3-2-1 Plan ?

Cyber Monday Slim-Fast 3-2-1 Plan, High Protein Shake Mix, Creamy Chocolate, 12.83oz Canisters (Pack of 3) Overview

At 200 calories, Slim·Fast Shake Mixes give you about one-third of your recommended daily intake for most essential vitamins and minerals. Want an extra boost of protein? No worries, Slim·Fast has shakes to match! And shakes are great meal replacement picks in the Slim·Fast 3·2·1 Plan. Whip up a fresh, delicious shake any time, anywhere with any of our six satisfying Slim·Fast Shake Mixes.

Slim-Fast 3-2-1 Plan: Want to slim down for a special occasion, and don't have time to waste? The SlimFast 3-2-1 Plan gives you quick results*--done right. Plus, it's flexible, so you can get the structure you want with the variety you crave. Just follow the plan: pick three nourishing snacks a day, choose two SlimFast shakes or meal bars, and enjoy one (500-calorie) balanced meal per day.

* Losing more than 2 pounds per week is not recommended. Follow the Slim·Fast® 3•2•1 Plan and include regular exercise.

Pick Three Snacks A Day: SlimFast 100-calorie snack bars, nuts, fruits and/or veggies. Snacking can be a good thing! In fact, it's an important part of the SlimFast 321 Plan. It keeps your metabolism going and gives you the energy you need to help get through the day.
Choose two SlimFast shakes or meal bars. Giving breakfast a break, leaving lunch behind, or taking a break from dinner is easier when you replace a meal with your choice of SlimFast shakes and meal bars in a range of delicious flavors.
Enjoy one 500-calorie balanced meal per day. As a general guide, fill 1/2 of your plate with veggies, 1/4 with lean protein (such as chicken or turkey without the skin, fish or lean beef) and 1/4 with starch (preferably whole grain).

Alis Tips:
Ali Auerbach, M.S., R.D., our SlimFast Registered Dietitian, is a nutrition and weight loss expert. She's here to help SlimFast members like you lose weight the healthy way. Here are 5 tips to help you stay on track:
1. Stick to it Follow your SlimFast 321 Plan. How much you eat and what you eat play a large factor in your weight loss.
2. Get active Add physical activity into your daily routine. Take the stairs instead of the elevator or go on a walk.
3. Add Water Drinking more water can help you feel better and reduce hunger. Try to drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses a day. Its good for you, and good for your weight-loss plan.
4. Keep a food diary When you write down everything you eat, you can make a conscious connection of whether you use food to respond to stress or other situations in your life.
5. Reality check Not everybody is designed to be a size 2-thankfully! Consider your genetic make-up and history before you start focusing on a number.

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This Cyber Monday Slim-Fast 3-2-1 Plan, High Protein Shake Mix, Creamy Chocolate, 12.83oz Canisters (Pack of 3) ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

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Slim-Fast 3-2-1 Plan, High Protein Shake Mix, Creamy Chocolate, 12.83oz Canisters (Pack of 3)

Limited Offer Today!! Slim-Fast 3-2-1 Plan, High Protein Shake Mix, Creamy Chocolate, 12.83oz Canisters (Pack of 3) Cyber Monday and Black Friday 2011 Deals

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